Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Great Awakening

Today, my friend Ruti read my Tarot cards for me, and it was so cool! Here are the results:

1. "Facts First" Card (this is about what's going on in my life)- Judgment card, which means something new and exciting is happening/about to happen (*China*), also known as the Great Awakening card.

2. "Sage Advice" (advice for the future)- The Eight of Swords, which is advising me to think out of the box and consider things from a non-traditional perspective.

3. "Dragons to Slay" (things to work on/overcome)- Justice, which means that I need to work on overcoming my biases when considering stuff.

4. "Right Use of Talents" (talents to use)- Knight of Penacles, which means that I should use my talent of organization and creating structure. In other words, it means I should function w/n a structure that I'm comfortable in.

5. "More Possibilities" (opportunities for the future)- The Chariot, which is kinda hard to explain. Basically, it means I should harness my aggression and put it to good use. Or as Ruti put it "feel my own power".

6. "Crucial Insight" (the card that ties everything together)- The Two of Pentacles, which instructed me to embrace dualities. I don't have to "take sides" on everything.

Pretty cool!


  1. It was very fun to do that reading! Let me know if you ever want to do another one!

  2. Julia, you are a fabulous blogger!! I look forward to going back and reading all your old posts!
